My stomach is still full. I know gluttony is a sin and it isn't healthy to eat everything that you see, but apparently that's what I've done since 6PM, Christmas Eve. Without knowing it, I've been eating almost every 3-4 hours.
Before that, I was so starve and I was so irritated when my sisters went out and no where to be contacted. We have to prepare food before 6 or 7, but they're still out there partying with friends. Anyway, we all fixed it and we were able to prepare food for the big day.
So here's my Christmas Eating Diary. I hope I could control my cravings this New Year's Day.
Dec. 24 (6PM) - Lechon arrived (so I ate half a plate)
Dec. 24 (9PM) - Eat Dinner (4 types of viands, 2 dessert)
Dec. 25 (12mn) - Noche Buena is here, so I have to eat again
Dec. 25 (3am) - I reported to work (I work in a call center, so there is still work even on holidays) and I brought along with me a plastic box of food to share with colleagues at work. We had a little get together and exchanged gifts.
Dec. 25 (6am) - Eat cake again for break
Dec. 25 (10 am) - Head home and prepare since my Mom and my dad and my bro's family would come over. Of course to start the preparation, I have to eat again.
Dec. 25 (12nn) - Everything is prepared and all of our visitors are all in -it's time to eat lunch this time.
Dec. 25 (3pm) - Been eating some desserts again
Dec. 25 (6pm) - Dinner again
Dec. 25 (10pm) - A friend came over and we shared spag and a salad